Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Chinese assertion and its vulnerabilities

Hong Kong:

Hong Kong is a special administrative region within China because of its British legacy. However, China has effectively tried to curb the autonomy by passing a series of legislations which has ignited serious protests across Hong Kong. 

Some of these legislations include:

1.      Extradition Law - A legislation (which was later scrapped) that would allow the local government to extradite criminals to the mainland China.

2.      National Security Law - On June 30, 2020, minutes before the anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China by the British, China’s legislature approved a new national security law for Hong Kong. This effectively curbed the dissent and civil liberties in Hong Kong.

3.      Expulsion of Lawmakers - this law empowers the Chinese government to expel lawmakers in Hong Kong’s Legislative Council without recourse to judicial process.

Other instances of aggression:

·         Chinese assertion of sovereignty over Taiwan which claims itself to be an independent nation.

·         Chinese assertion along LAC with India in the Galwan valley.

·         Territorial claims in South China Sea.

·         Chinese manipulation of WHO, which has adversely impacted the image of multilateral institutions which are already under strain due to the process of retreating Multilateralism that is being witnessed.

·         Domestically China has tried to curb the dissenting voices in its administration.


·         China has pursued an export led growth strategy which is popularly called as “international circulation”.

·         However, this strategy is facing challenges because of declining global economy as a result of the COVID pandemic. Further US has imposed restriction on Chinese exports. It is also facing challenges in the technical field with Huawei being denied the go ahead for 5G roll out in many countries.

·         Thus, domestic consumption led growth is one of the options that remains with China.

·         However, China is trying to woo international circulation with its Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, improving Financial ties, attracting global investors etc.

·         Further its Economic strategy for the future will only be out once its 14th five-year plan rolls out.

Wolf warrior approach:

·         Through the series of Movies named “Wolf warrior”, China is showing itself to be assuming the responsibility of saving the world.

·         The depiction of the saviour of the world image, clearly reflects the change in stance from the previous president Deng Xiaoping’s approach of ‘keeping a low profile’ to the Xi Jinping's “Aggressive and Assertive China”.

Challenges of the mighty image of China:

·         US State Department released a comprehensive report which is being described as a potential blueprint for the U.S.’s response to China’s rise as an authoritarian superpower.

·         By escalating a tariff war with China, U.S. President Donald Trump underscored the need for a potential economic decoupling of the world’s two major economies.

·         Thus, it is being said that more pushback China faces globally, the more aggressive its domestic and foreign policy agenda is likely to become.

·         The events in Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and muzzling of dissent in administration has adversely impacted the Chinese image globally.

·         A survey by the Pew Research Centre across 14 nations shows that a majority of the respondents have an unfavourable opinion of China.


·         Many in China may see this year as one in which the country came into its own as a power dictating the global agenda, but for many around the world, this is also the year when China’s vulnerabilities, as well the challenges it poses to the global order, became all too apparent.

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